
Research group

There is a good number of scientists working at ESAC who study star- and planet formation and on their connection with newly discovered exoplanet populations. The environment favors the interaction with planetary scientists involved in ESA’s mission to planets and other bodies of the Solar System and with Data Scientists interested in applying modern Machine Learning techniques to the wealth of high quality scientific data in our Science Data Archives. If you fit any of those groups and are interested to work with us, please, do consider applying!!

Trainees, Master and/or Ph.D. students and post-docs:

  • Want to join us? Check here for applying to an ESA Research Fellowship (Deadline in the fall) or here for applying for an ESAC Science Traineeship (Deadline in the fall).

Current collaborators:

Ph.D. Thesis that I have supervised:

  • Pablo García Martín, engineering lead at SAFRAN, France, and Ph.D. student at UAM (Spain) on Automatic identification of asteroids and satellite trails on HST images with AutoML, in Google cloud. Defense date: 28 June 2024, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Thesis.
  • Álvaro Ribas, former Ph.D. student, now Research Fellow at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Santiago de Chile, Chile.
  • Ignacio Bustamante Bengoechea, Ph.D. student at CAB/ESAC, graduated on 22 June 2017 at UAM.
  • Isa Oliveira, Ph.D. student at the University of Leiden, in the Netherlands, graduated on 2011. She is now a Head of Data Science working on

Current Ph.D. students that I supervise:

  • Antónia Vojteková, Shared Ph.D. student at UCL and at ESA on Sub-Neptune characterisation with CHEOPS and on the application of graphical neural networks and ExplainableIA to the simplication of the physical-chemical modeling of exoplanet atmospheres from new observations. She is based at ESAC, in Madrid.
  • Patricio Yael Reller, Shared Ph.D. student in UCL and ESA on Sub-Neptune characterisation with CHEOPS and ASTEP data and on Machine Learning applications to the light-curve analysis of exoplanet transit observations, in preparation for the PLATO mission. He is currently based at France.
  • Fabrizio Giordano, senior software engineer at the European Space Astronomy Centre and Ph.D. student at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) in FITS-On-Web advanced visualisation technology for Astronomical data, in Madrid.

Former ESA Research Fellows, Ph.D. students, Young Graduate Trainees and science trainees in our group:

Other remote and/or former collaborators include:
